Men's HIGH SCHOOL TEAM Camp Check In Details
Date Posted: 7/6/2024
Check In Details- this is for players attending with their HIGH SCHOOL team only!!
There is a lot of important information in this email - please make sure you take a moment to carefully read ALL the info below. There are several different links to forms, make sure you fill out all that apply to you.
Check in
Check in will run from12:00-2:00 pm on Thursday July 18th and will be conducted in the BATTE Center. This building is located at 403 N. Camden Road, Wingate, NC 28174 Signs are placed around campus directing you to the location.
1. Checking in or out at a different time that what is posted?
Please complete the Check In/Out Adjustment form
Check out will be 11:00 Sunday July 21st at the dorm. Details for check out will be shared with players prior to check out.
2. Medical Waivers- ALL PLAYERS!
All players must bring the medical release form with them to check in. We do not accept electronic versions of the form. You will not be able to participate without one. You can download a MEDICAL FORM . If the link does not work , go to then on the top left go to MORE, Files & Forms and click on the Medical Release form in the center of the page.
3. Account Balances
In an effort to expedite check in, all account balances should be paid prior to check in. You can log back into your account at If you have any questions about a balance, please email Amy at We will not accept checks at check in. If you signed up after our preset auto draft dates, the system will not automatically draft – you must log in and make payment.
4. What to Pack and Bring
Suggested Items to bring with you to camp. *If you are flying in you will not be required to provide bedding sheets, pillows or a blanket – we will have this for you.
10 sets of shorts and playing shirts
Pajamas & casual clothes,
1 warm-up jacket/rain jacket (optional)
AT LEAST 10 pairs of soccer socks (change socks often to avoid blisters)
water bottle or cooler
GK Gloves, shin guards, Cleats and regular shoes, slides or sneakers
Sun screen and mosquito repellent, Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and shampoos
1 pillow & pillow case, 1 set of twin bed sheets and blanket or sleeping bag, 2 bath towels
Spending Money for pizza, drinks, & snacks
Keep in mind we have washers and dryers that are free of charge to use. We will have laundry detergent for purchase or feel free to bring your own! We recommend the pods.
5. Snacks & Wingate Spirit Wear
We have a small concession area set up in the lobby of the dorm. Gatorade, Water, SunChips, etc are available for purchase. We also have Wingate Spirit Wear for sale. Camp offers pizza/sub deliveries later in the evenings. Pizzas are $14 and require the players to sign earlier in the day for them. We take cash and credit/debit cards for the concession stand. Dorm Rooms do not have refrigerators….
6. Medical Staff
All WISA Residential Camps have a certified athletic trainer on staff 24 hours per-day. The staff are responsible for medical care and must hold any medication presently prescribed to your son or daughter. Please send such medication with a doctor’s order so that it may be dispensed correctly. The coaching staff and medical staff monitor every injury - however minor the injury might be. Even so, some players love camp so much they attempt to “hide” injuries so that they may continue to play. Parents are seldom fooled. If you gain any indication from a visit or a telephone call that your child is more injured or ill then they appear, please call or text Amy ASAP.
7. Parents are Welcome to watch training sessions and games
We feel that it is important that parents are involved in their child’s camp experience. To this end, we would like to extend an invitation for you to attend any number of events during the camp. For safety reasons we do ask that parents adhere to the following rules.
a. Please refrain from going onto the actual playing fields.
b. Parents will not be permitted in dorms after check in times.
c. Parents are not permitted to take players "out to dinner" or drop off dinners etc.
Parents needing to contact someone during the day, please feel free to text Amy 704-577-2898.
Parents, if at any time you need to speak to staff, please feel free to email or text Amy 704-577-2898 . Please include your player’s name if emailing or texting.
Again, we are looking forward to having you at our camp. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us!